Planting Chia

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Whats is Chia:
Chia is a seed which originates from South America. Its seeds are used as a full body detox and immunity booster. It is a healthy source of magnesium, Omega 3, fibre, proteins, iron, calcium and it is a powerful antioxidant. It is also cholesterol free and Gluten free as well.

Some particulars about Chia in Uganda:

1. Small seeded

2. Came around 2013- introduced by Catholics- Caritas Ug

3. Origin- Mexico

4. Importance: Main source of Omega 3 Amino Acids. Cures almost every know disease on Earth.

5. Can be eaten it raw, on tea or porridge etc.

Chia Agronomy

  • Chia plants take a maximum of three months to grow to full maturity. 1 Kg seeds is sufficient for 1 acre of land.
  • Soils: Like any other crop, Chia does well in black-loam soils, the same soils liked by maize, beans, soy etc. Those grown in fertile soils are more oily than those in poor soils e.g. in Oyam, Lira, Gulu region etc. Where it is grown as similarly to Simsim.
  • Chia is planted in a line (row) 1 x 1 feet in distance.
  • Mixing & planting: Chia seeds being very small, to ensure uniform distribution during broadcasting (planting), mix thoroughly 1 Kg of Chia seed with 4-6 basins of dry soil/sand.
  • Germination: Seeds take 4-7 days to come out of the soil.
  • Weeding: If the field/garden was well prepared before planting, weeding is normally done once. Chia as it grows; it covers the soil and suppresses the weeds.
  • Maturity: Chia matures in 90-120 days depending on management and weather of the area. Mature pods turn brown then harvest.
  • Harvesting: Better to harvest manually. Since the seed is light, sheller’s tend to brow them away thus high Post-harvest (PH) losses. If sheller’s are used (recommendable for large scale or farmer groups), let the group members get the residues that come out of the Sheller and shell then again manually. This will help them to get any seeds that may have remained in the rubbish before throwing them.
  • Yield: Yield per acre varies between 300- 800 Kg depending on management, soil conditions, weather and control of Post-harvest (PH) losses.
  • Pests: So far, there has not been any major pest identified for Chia in Uganda. The only one seen is some kind of moth that webs the leaves, lays there eggs but does not eat the leaves. Once the eggs hatch, they fly away. However, this webbing may have an effect on Chia. There is no animal type that has been observed to each Chia leaves.
  • Drought tolerant: Like any other crop, Chia needs water especially in its first month of growth. Beyond this month, it can tolerate the drought unlike others crops like most of the varieties of maize, beans, G.nuts etc.

Other friendly enterprises:

It is recommendable to do bee keeping where Chia growing is done. Honey from such places is of very high quality.

2 Replies to “Planting Chia”

    1. The market is there, however, this is mostly for the already established suppliers (sometimes middlemen) and these are the same suppliers you will need to sell your product once ready.
      Farm gate price is abt $1-1.5 for East Africa region

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